A Bailey Legacy

Tis rather delicious

Archive for the tag “Bounty”

Chapter 6.8

Chapter 6.8  He can’t be ours, surely?

As Twix developed into a toddler, Cointreau and Jeffery became aware of a certain factor which made him stand out from their other children, and all other Baileys for that matter.Screenshot-6711Screenshot-6710Screenshot-6712There were pretty much no blonde haired members in the Bailey family tree, so it was quite the mystery how Twix had ended up with such fair hair.

‘Jeff, did you cheat on me?’ Cointreau asked, jumping to the only conclusion she could think of.Screenshot-6708For a girl who was meant to be an evil genius, Cointreau was not 100% there all the time.Screenshot-6713Eventually, Jeffery and Cointreau gave Tremayne another chance to prove his parenting ability.Screenshot-6795This only lasted three days.Screenshot-6798As for Bounty, the only girl of this generation so far, she had developed into an “OK” looking child with the potential to become an “alright” looking teenager.Screenshot-6668The young girl was known as a bit of a drama queen, despite not physically possessing the trait.  She had just learnt to be that way thanks to her mother.Screenshot-6727‘Oh toilet, why don’t you flush?’Screenshot-6726Her dramatic ability naturally meant she had a natural flair for writing and had started writing her first novel way before the age of ten.Screenshot-6718Aero, now a teenager, was still pretty much into the same music related stuff.   He also had oddly muscular arms.Screenshot-6723All the better for playing the bass with, supposedly.Screenshot-6715Anyways, the months continued to fly by, and as nature (and Jeffery intended), Cointreau fell pregnant once more.  Still, this did not stop her from carrying out the “Bring Sally Up” chin-up challenge on a daily basis, determined that Aero would not have bigger guns than her.Screenshot-6728It turned that she did not have to worry about this though as a few weeks later Aero started to try and win over a girl from his school called Adrianne Carpenter.Screenshot-6736He used the same tactic Jameson had used in Chapter 4.12 when wooing Nina.Screenshot-6754Surprisingly, Adrianne fell for this and found Aero to be both hilarious and endearingly sweet.Screenshot-6753Soon enough, Aero decided to take the risk and swooped in gracefully to make his move.Screenshot-6759However, Cointreau decided to be selfish and stole the attention away from Aero’s moment of glory by going into labour.Screenshot-6741Her fourth and final baby was another lad and they named him Hershey as this is obviously another brand of chocolate, primarily sold in the USA. Screenshot-6747This chapter must end somewhere, so what better than to end on a picture of a ghost Pooka?  Apparently pet ghosts are red, which is weird, but hey, that is The Sims for you!Screenshot-6697

Chapter 6.7

Chapter 6.7 Completely respecting her wishes

Many months later, it was rather obvious that Bounty had inherited pretty much all of her father’s facial features, except for his nose unfortunately.Screenshot-6610As was standard, Tremayne was given the task of looking after her whilst Cointreau and Jeffery attempted to progress in their desired careers.Screenshot-6618Tremayne thought it would a be grand idea to take Bounty outside whilst it was raining to teach her how to walk.  Consequently this was a rubbish idea seeing as electronics and water do not mix.  It was three hours until Bounty was taken back indoors by Jeffery, who had returned from a late shift at work.Screenshot-6619After that, Jeffery decided it would be safer for him to raise his own daughter, instead of entrusting her in the care of a mentally and emotionally unstable robot.Screenshot-6627As for young Aero, he was pretty much capable of looking after himself.  His parents were not around half the time due to their strange job hours, so he quickly learnt to survive by teaching himself to make waffles.Screenshot-6581Aero was also very fond of music and often went around pretending his was a DJ.  No doubt he would become yet another Bailey who would develop a musical orientated lifetime wish.Screenshot-6682Jeffery was rather chuffed with the two children he had produced with Cointreau so far.  One evening he suggested to Cointreau that they should add another baby to the brood.Screenshot-6644‘Yeah, about that… I was hoping we could wait until at least Bounty was a teenager before we expanded, y’know?’ Cointreau explained, shuddering at the thought of being torn open once more.Screenshot-6645‘Err, yeah, sure honey, I totally respect that…’Screenshot-6647A couple of months later, Cointreau found out she was pregnant thanks to Jeffery replacing the contraceptive pills in her packet with mint sweets.Screenshot-6601Naturally, she was not pleased.Screenshot-6614Jeffery, on the other hand, was a smug git and boasted to Aero about his genius method of getting mummy pregnant.  This traumatized the young boy, possibly for life.Screenshot-6621Around winter time, Cointreau calmly went into labour and made her way to hospital.Screenshot-6633She popped out another boy, who they called Twix since they figured they would keep up with the chocolate bar theme this generation.  Once Cointreau was sewn back up, they headed back home to enjoy many more months of sleepless nights and stress.  Hooray for parenthood!Screenshot-6639

Chapter 6.6

Chapter 6.6 – Baby chocolate

Surprisingly, Cointreau was rather upset over Pooka’s death.  To her it was like losing an arch-nemesis, a very furry one.Screenshot-6403Two days later, she adopted an adorable Yorkshire terrier whom she named Yorkie.  She quickly forgot all about whatever the old family dog was called and planned to train Yorkie to become her evil sidekick.Screenshot-6406Time passed by.  Cointreau went into labour, as do most women who are pregnant.Screenshot-6416Despite working in the medical field, Jeffery found it hard to keep his composure.  Midwifery was not his thing.Screenshot-6421‘Oh God, I think I felt the baby move down.’Screenshot-6419Screenshot-6420Somehow, Jeffery drove Cointreau to hospital just in time for her to pop out their firstborn. They named him Aero since Cointreau was fond of the chocolate brand with the same name.Screenshot-6423Cointreau adored spending time with Aero and looking after him to the best of her ability.Screenshot-6432And by look after him, she basically just left Tremayne to raise him over the next several years whilst she focused on her career and having more children, but we will come to this later.Screenshot-6440Cointreau only really took back ownership when it came around to Aero’s birthdays, primarily so she had an excuse to eat cake.Screenshot-6459He grew into a cute little toddler, as do most Baileys.Screenshot-6484And enjoyed putting phallic shaped objects into his mouth a little too much.Screenshot-6477A few months down the line, Cointreau and Jeffery celebrated their transition into pure, but not so simple, adulthood.Screenshot-6493After eating both cakes, Jeffery decided to completely murder the song “No Limit”.Screenshot-6538He was such an embarrassment that even Aero found it awkward hanging out with him afterwards.Screenshot-6476Despite this, Cointreau was still seduced by his sexy eyebrows and stubble that very night.Screenshot-6490Screenshot-6488Sadly, Jeffery’s charm only worked to a certain extent and it was not enough to keep the repo man at bay.  It was not as if they could not afford the bills, they were bordering on becoming millionaires after all, They had just forgotten to pay for the last installment of their recently installed hot-tub.Screenshot-6513The repo man ended up taking one of their many computers.Screenshot-6514And more devastatingly, a plate of autumn salad.Screenshot-6520The expression on his face suggested that he got off on his job far more than he should.    Screenshot-6522When Cointreau found the little surprise he left splattered across the dining room table, naturally this made her feel nauseous.Screenshot-6525She was unable to make it to the toilet in time however, so left her own nasty surprise all over the floor, which Jeffery later found, causing him to vomit instantly.Screenshot-6526Soon enough, it was revealed that Cointreau was pregnant, again.Screenshot-6535During this pregnancy,  she started to tutor her nephew, Brock, as he was rather rubbish at school but still wanted to go off to University.Screenshot-6550The fact that he could not even do simple multiplication worried her somewhat, but thankfully he was not her child to fret over.Screenshot-6543Soon enough, Cointreau got bored and contemplated what she would ask Jeffery to cook for dinner on his return from work. Screenshot-6545They had waffles for dinner that night, in case you’re wondering.Screenshot-6583A few months later, Cointreau gave birth to a baby girl, whom was named Bounty, also after a chocolate bar.  The labour went pretty smoothly, but it took Cointreau several days before she allowed Jeffery back in the house.Screenshot-6591This was because he had been out drinking after his shift and had passed out in front of the hospital on his way to meet Cointreau, and thus publicly disgraced himself as well as the Bailey household.Screenshot-6589We end this chapter on a bunny gnome sitting on a llama, because quite frankly this has to be one of the most awesome things programmed into a game ever.Screenshot-6512

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